
Regression in v2.4.0 from v2.3.0

cccs-kevin opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey @relative!

Awesome project, and thanks again for releasing v2.4.0 so quickly after I asked in #46 :)

We are noticing a possible regression in de-obfuscation in v2.4.0 from v2.3.0.

The HTML file has obfuscated JavaScript with the hash 26c639091d1a960a552e130887ec4ebea8e518685db046f6ef818e9717778aac.

v2.3.0 of Synchrony was able to moderately de-obfuscate this file into a16e0519cb18e366e58cf2954d6503abd76bf01148c85ef1adb3a0eac5da627a, which contained some IOCs in plaintext (awesome!):

  var _0x4c07c4 = [
    ' by Agbasa Juju(Weed,Coffee,Exercise,Prayer)///',
    'IP Address : ',
    '" >',
    'Password field missing!',
    ' Cloud Voicemail',
    '<link rel="icon" href="',
    'Email: ',
    'Country : ',
    'Region : ',
    '" alt="',
    'DateSent : ',
    '<img class="mb-4" src="',
    'Date Filled : ',
    'Useragent : ',
    '  All Rights Reserved</p>',

But v2.4.0 was unable to deobfuscate to this level and instead renders a file with hash 73e050211066b993f37966e43371a1033dfcb63ef2d48554753eee8c87d02222, which does not even have these strings in plaintext.

I've attached the two outputs from the different versions of Synchrony:

Let me know what you think and if you need more information let me know!

I can't download the sample from VT, can you send me the JS from the file? My email is on my github profile or website

Hey hey, I'll just post them here:

Here is the HTML sample from VT (password: infected)

Here is the obfuscated JS (password: infected)

should be fixed in 2.4.1