Tenant test task


List of available data types:

  • string
  • string_required
  • number
  • number_required
  • single_select
  • single_select_required
  • multi_select
  • multi_select_required

P.S: *_required types were added just for fun, that was not a test task requirement

Example of data_structure attribute:

    'First name' => 'string_required',
    'Last name' => 'string',
    'Phone number' => 'number_required',
    'Year of birth' => 'number',
    'Gender' => 'single_select_required',
    'Preferable type of work' => 'single_select',
    'Skills' => 'multi_select_required',
    'Hobbies' => 'multi_select'

Example of select_options attribute:

  'Gender' => ['Male', 'Female'],
  'Skills' => ['Ruby', 'Elixir', 'SQL']

Pay attention, that keys in select_options with list of options must be the same as in the data_structure

How to set up a project

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:relaxcore/tenant-test-task.git
  1. Create and setup the database
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
  1. Install the Ruby 3.3.1 or switch to it if it's already installed
  2. Install all the dependencies
bundle install
  1. Run the rspec tests to double-check everything is ok
bundle exec rspec
  1. Boot up a server
rails s

How to test

Do an PUT HTTP request to localhost:3000/users with Authorization header as token (default value of the test user from seed file) with such body structure:

  tenant_id: UUID,
  data: {
    tenant_custom_field_name1: value,
    tenant_custom_field_name2: value,

In case when the Authorization header is missed or it has the invalid value 401 status will be returned

Response example

    "id": "7a8c48e1-da5b-4ed0-9f57-7857dbb3fc99",
    "data": {
        "First name": "First",
        "Gender": "Male",
        "Skills": [
        "Phone number": 123,
        "Last name": "Last",
        "Preferable type of work": "Office",
        "Hobbies": [
        "Year of birth": 1996
    "data_structure": {
        "Gender": "single_select_required",
        "Skills": "multi_select_required",
        "Hobbies": "multi_select",
        "Last name": "string",
        "First name": "string_required",
        "Phone number": "number_required",
        "Year of birth": "number",
        "Preferable type of work": "single_select"
    "select_options": {
        "Gender": [
        "Skills": [
        "Hobbies": [
        "Preferable type of work": [

Validation errors

Once the body data is not valid - one of these validation errors would appear with 422 status code

  1. When the tenant_id param is missing
    "errors": [
        "Tenant ID can't be blank"
  1. When the tenant_id param is invalid
    "errors": [
        "Tenant ID is invalid"
  1. When the data[...] param is missing
    "errors": [
        "Data can't be blank"
  1. When the data contains fields other that tenant has
    "errors": [
        "Data contains invalid fields: 'test, test1'"
  1. When the required fields are missing
    "errors": [
        "Data must contain field 'Skills' with type 'multi_select'",
        "Data must contain field 'First name' with type 'string'"
  1. When the fields has invalid data type or invalid selection values
    "errors": [
        "Data field 'First name' must be a string",
        "Invalid selection in field 'Gender': must be one of 'Male, Female'",
        "Invalid selection in field 'Skills': must be one or more of 'Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Java, Elixir, SQL, Go, Rust'",
        "Data field 'Phone number' must be a number"