
No access to original route object data

gucki opened this issue · 3 comments

gucki commented

In a normal react component I can access this.props.route and get access to the original route definition. With react-router-relay this.props.relay.route (or when using context this.context.route) does not contain any original data. It returns an object with the keys name, params, queries. And for example name does not contain the original route name but some autogenerated name like "_aggregated__form__default_root__form__default_offer__inquiries__default_root__inquiries__default_offer".

If this is not a bug but a feature - how to access the current orignal route definition object, just what a normal react component returns with @props.route? How to access the other router variables like @props.routes, etc.?

taion commented

It's just this.props.route in the route component.

gucki commented

@taion Would be great, but it's not 👎

Here's my component and relay container (coffeescript):

React = require("react")
Relay = require("react-relay")
{withRouter} = require("react-router")

Component = React.createClass
    router: React.PropTypes.object
    route: React.PropTypes.object

  render: ->
    console.log @props
    console.log @context
    console.log @props.route
    console.log @context.route
    div null,

Container = Relay.createContainer Component,
    offer: -> Relay.QL`

module.exports = withRouter(Container)

The output in the console is:

Object {root: Object, offer: Object, children: Object, router: Object, relay: Object}
Object {router: Object, route: Object}
Object {name: "_aggregated__form__default_root__form__default_off…    inquiries__default_root__inquiries__default_offer", queries: Object, params: Object}

As you can see @props.route is undfined and @context.route contains not the original data.

My router config for this config looks like this (this fragment being a child route..):

  name: "inquiries"
  tab: "haha"
  path: "inquiries"
  component: require("app/pages/offers/edit/inquiries")
  queries: Queries("root", "offer")

When removing the relay container and passing the react component directly to the router it works as expected.

~# npm list | grep route
├── isomorphic-relay-router@0.8.3 extraneous
├─┬ react-router@2.8.1
├─┬ react-router-relay@0.13.5
gucki commented

@taion Sorry for wasting your time, it seems it was a browserify caching bug here. After recompiling everything it seems to work...