
Relay modern with routing example

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Is there an example app that uses Relay Modern with some sort of routing in between pages? If not, is there another repo where I can find something similar?

thanks for the example, I'm searching a route library too.
the isomophic-relay-router used previously

I think @taion was pointing at 'Found' as the route library. Also, I am using relay modern with react router 4 without issue. Granted the app I'm using it on isn't huge so there may be some hurdles with a large app.

taion commented

That's correct. Use Found. RRv4 doesn't give you a good way to handle nested queries.

Could you elaborate on that, what is the issue you are thinking of?

taion commented

If you need to nest routes that require Relay data, with RRv4, you're stuck nesting <QueryRenderer>s, which (1) gives you request waterfalls and (2) doesn't easily allow SSR.

Ah, I see. Yeah, my routes just end up looking like this:

  component={props => <Thing data={data} {...props} />}

And that is how I orchestrate my fragment containers.