
First available date over a month away

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Hi there, I'm having a weird issue with the date picker on the following page:

The first available date in the date picker is the 21st July, even though we're not into June yet.

Wordpress and the server's clock both show the correct time and date.

The CF7 shotcode is as follows:

[datetime datetime-714 date-format:dd/mm/yy time-format:HH:mm min-date:30/05/16 max-date:31/12/2100 min-hour:9 max-hour:15 step-hour:1 min-minute:0 max-minute:45 step-minute:15 min-second:0 max-second:59 months:12 first-day:1 change-month buttons no-weekends]

Is there any obvious reason why it wouldn't let me pick a date in June, or indeed any date in July before the 21st?

Thanks for any help you can give me.