Timezone of "-00" and "-00:00" should be invalid per ISO8601 3.4.2
gavbaa opened this issue · 0 comments
gavbaa commented
Wikipedia's breakdown of ISO8601 Section 3.4.2:
An offset of zero, in addition to having the special representation "Z", can also be stated numerically as "+00:00", "+0000", or "+00". However, it is not permitted to state it numerically with a negative sign, as "−00:00", "−0000", or "−00". The section dictating sign usage (section 3.4.2 in the 2004 edition of the standard) states that a plus sign must be used for a positive or zero value, and a minus sign for a negative value. Contrary to this rule, RFC 3339, which is otherwise a profile of ISO 8601, permits the use of "-00", with the same denotation as "+00" but a differing connotation.
package main
import (
func main() {
t, err := iso8601.ParseString("2020-01-02T16:20:00.999-00")
spew.Dump(t, err)
(time.Time) 2020-01-02 16:20:00.999 +0000 +0000
(interface {}) <nil>
when it should be outputting an error.