
Esmodule version of the introduction of hast-util-from-dom leads to errors...

rxliuli opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi! 👋

Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! 🙂

Today I used patch-package to patch rehype-mathjax@3.1.0 for the project I'm working on.

Here is the diff that solved my problem:

diff --git a/node_modules/rehype-mathjax/lib/renderer.js b/node_modules/rehype-mathjax/lib/renderer.js
index 1a6c927..a724d53 100644
--- a/node_modules/rehype-mathjax/lib/renderer.js
+++ b/node_modules/rehype-mathjax/lib/renderer.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 const mathjax = require('mathjax-full/js/mathjax').mathjax
 const register = require('mathjax-full/js/handlers/html').RegisterHTMLHandler
-const fromDom = require('hast-util-from-dom')
+const fromDom = require('hast-util-from-dom').default
 const toText = require('hast-util-to-text')
 const createAdaptor = require('./adaptor')

This issue body was partially generated by patch-package.



tani commented

First, I am not a member of this project, but I am original author of this package.
I have been also faced this problem about a decade month ago.
I guess this is an issue of hast-util-from-dom, which package should be compiled as an esmodule.
The es6 and esmodule support is the ongoing task of this porject. Please read unifiedjs/rfcs#4 .

This is also definitely something your bundler can fix. And some of them do. So you might be able to solve it there.

This is also definitely something your bundler can fix. And some of them do. So you might be able to solve it there.

I tried it in the create-react-app failed, I believe that most applications will fail.

webpack 4 has a lot of bugs. But you’re out of luck. CRA prevents you from working on that.

webpack 4 has a lot of bugs. But you’re out of luck. CRA prevents you from working on that.

I don't know if WebPack has an error, but I know that if WebPack / Rollup can't be compatible, it will use it very unfriendly.

I don't know if WebPack has an error, but I know that if WebPack / Rollup can't be compatible, it will use it very unfriendly.

Webpack 5, Rollup, and Node support the way it is now. Your patch will break them.
For CRA, see: facebook/create-react-app#9994.

We (+ much more of the JS ecosystem) are moving to full ESM over the coming months: unifiedjs/unified#121

I don't know if WebPack has an error, but I know that if WebPack / Rollup can't be compatible, it will use it very unfriendly.

Webpack 5, Rollup, and Node support the way it is now. Your patch will break them.
For CRA, see: facebook/create-react-app#9994.

We (+ much more of the JS ecosystem) are moving to full ESM over the coming months: unifiedjs/unified#121

CRA migration WebPack 5 is a long-term process, so far, it has been completed 24%, then, the remark-math will be unavailable during this time before really complete. I am not opposing to support better ESModule standards, just want to remind, do compatibility processing. . .for example, now I can't use the CRA and ROLLUP package, so I can only use Patch-Node to modify until a certain time Remark-Math directly introduces no problem.

I use the remark-math project, use the Rollup package.

Why did you mention CRA before if you are now talking about (+ the links you share) Rollup?

do compatibility processing

This package is CJS. It uses a require to load a dual CJS/ESM package. Your bundler should use the CJS file. If it doesn’t, it’s either a bug there or it has to be configured in some way.

Why did you mention CRA before if you are now talking about (+ the links you share) Rollup?

do compatibility processing

This package is CJS. It uses a require to load a dual CJS/ESM package. Your bundler should use the CJS file. If it doesn’t, it’s either a bug there or it has to be configured in some way.

So how should rollup configure the hast-util-from-dom using a CommonJS version of rehype-mathjax?

I guess this is an issue of hast-util-from-dom, which package should be compiled as an esmodule.

Re this earlier message by @tani, what was your solution?

Why did you mention CRA before if you are now talking about (+ the links you share) Rollup?

@rxliuli Can you answer this earlier question?
Otherwise, can you make a small reproduction: your project is giant, and I don’t have time to debug everything?

I guess this is an issue of hast-util-from-dom, which package should be compiled as an esmodule.

Re this earlier message by @tani, what was your solution?

Why did you mention CRA before if you are now talking about (+ the links you share) Rollup?

@rxliuli Can you answer this earlier question?
Otherwise, can you make a small reproduction: your project is giant, and I don’t have time to debug everything?

Because I also need to use MarkDown in the CRA project in the production environment, ITMDOWN-IT is currently used, but I want to unify them.

Forget it, I temporarily close this problem. Anyway, the question has been temporarily solved, and there is at least other options if not. . .