
rehype-katex fails with new NextJS TypeScript Project

msukmanowsky opened this issue · 5 comments

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Affected packages and versions


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Steps to reproduce

Apologies if this ends up being a NextJS issue but wanted to file it here first. See this repo for an example.

  1. Create a NextJS project npx create-next-app --typescript --use-npm next-rehype-katex-issue
  2. Install dependencies npm i --save @next/mdx @mdx-js/loader rehype-katex remark-math
  3. cd my-next-app && touch next.config.mjs
  4. Add the following config to next.config.mjs:
import remarkMath from "remark-math";
import rehypeKatex from "rehype-katex";
import mdx from "@next/mdx";

const withMDX = mdx({
  extension: /\.mdx?$/,
  options: {
    rehypePlugins: [rehypeKatex],
    remarkPlugins: [remarkMath],

const config = withMDX({
  pageExtensions: ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "md", "mdx"],

export default config;
  1. npm run dev

Expected behavior

I should be able to run the NextJS dev server without error. This issue does not happen with earlier versions of rehype-katex (e.g. 4.0.0).

Actual behavior

An error similar to the following occurs (seems to be an issue with ES modules versus CommonJS resolution.

<w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching failed for pack: Error: Can't resolve 'url' in '/Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib'
<w> while resolving 'url' in /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib as file
<w>  at resolve esm file url
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib/minurl.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib/minurl.js
<w>  at resolve esm file ./minurl.js
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib/index.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/lib/index.js
<w>  at resolve esm file ./lib/index.js
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/index.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/vfile/index.js
<w>  at resolve esm file vfile
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/unified/lib/index.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/unified/lib/index.js
<w>  at resolve esm file ./lib/index.js
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/unified/index.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/node_modules/unified/index.js
<w>  at resolve esm file unified
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/index.js
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/node_modules/rehype-katex/index.js
<w>  at resolve esm file rehype-katex
<w>  at file dependencies /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/next.config.mjs
<w>  at file /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/next.config.mjs
<w>  at resolve commonjs /Users/mikesukmanowsky/code/personal/nextjs-math/next.config.mjs


Node v17

Package manager

npm v7



Build and bundle tools


This is not an issue with remark-math, rehype-katex, ormdx. I'm not sure it's an issue with next either.
Running MDX 2 and Next 12, with the official @mdx-js/loader, it's able to run remark-math and rehype-katex fine.

// ⚠️ Important! Please make sure the dependencies are up to date.
import remarkMath from "remark-math";
import rehypeKatex from "rehype-katex";

const configuration = {
  // Support MDX files as pages:
  pageExtensions: ["md", "mdx", "tsx", "ts", "jsx", "js"],
  // Support loading `.md`, `.mdx`:
  webpack(config, options) {
      test: /\.mdx?$/,
      use: [
        // The default `babel-loader` used by Next:
          loader: "@mdx-js/loader",
          /** @type {import('@mdx-js/loader').Options} */
          options: {
            /* jsxImportSource: …, otherOptions… */
            remarkPlugins: [remarkMath],
            rehypePlugins: [rehypeKatex]

    return config;

export default configuration;

This is likely related to using mdx 1 ( with remark and rehype plugins which are compatible with mdx 2 (

As for the log you provide, it may be a next issue, there are a number of open issues related to caching strategy
It should not however cause the issue you are seeing.

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Because we treat issues as our backlog, we close issues that are questions since they don’t represent a task to be completed.

See our support docs for how and where to ask questions.

— bb

Hi, for the record rehype-mathjax doesn't have an error message but seems to fail silently as well. Will try mdx v2.

@eric-burel if @next/mdx is silently swallowing errors it would be something to raise with the maintainers