
Math and Katex renders incorrectly

jkim34 opened this issue · 2 comments

jkim34 commented

Initial checklist

Affected packages and versions

"rehype-katex": "^6.0.3", "remark-math": "^5.1.1"

Link to runnable example

No response

Steps to reproduce

Use codesandbox to reproduce.

If link doesn't work, simply add below packages:
"rehype-katex": "^6.0.3", "remark-math": "^5.1.1"

Use npm v 9.2.0, or simply use codesandbox's default runtime.

Expected behavior

$x^2 + y^2 = z^2$ should render correctly.

Actual behavior

After correctly rendering, it also appends x2+y2=z2


Node v14

Package manager

Other (please specify in steps to reproduce)



Build and bundle tools

Create React App

Hey @jkim34! 👋
Please follow the usage guide in the readme.
Notably, katex requires a stylesheet to render correctly, you haven't included the CSS stylesheet, so it won't be styled correctly.
Add the stylesheet.

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.