
Older version of `jsdom` (<23) causes deprecation warnings

stephenlrandall opened this issue · 5 comments

Initial checklist

Affected packages and versions


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Steps to reproduce

Install rehype-mathjax with npm/pnpm/yarn

Expected behavior

No deprecated warnings

Actual behavior

The following deprecation warnings (pnpm):

 WARN  2 deprecated subdependencies found: abab@2.0.6, domexception@4.0.0

Both of these are used by older versions of jsdom (<23), but have been removed in jsdom v23 after being deprecated.


No response

Package manager




Build and bundle tools


Welcome @stephenlrandall! 👋
Warnings are not necessarily a bug, it still works and is secure 🙂
That said a PR upgrading JSDom to latest would also be welcome.

Yeah, I wasn’t sure exactly what to classify this as. I’d be happy to provide a PR — I assume that all packages use this dependency, and there’s some test suite that should pass?

I assume that all packages use this dependency

only the rehype-mathjax package

there’s some test suite that should pass?

Yes, running npm test runs a test suite, static analysis tools, and a type checker.

@ChristianMurphy Opened #94. All tests passed.

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.