
Thematic break after image is parsed as an heading level 2

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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Link to runnable example

Steps to reproduce

The following


is parsed as

## ![](../../assets/images/logos/cdk.png)

Expected behavior

Don't add an heading block

Actual behavior

An heading block is added and the horizontal rule is removed


Node v16

Package manager

No response


No response

Build and bundle tools

No response

Hey @remorses! 👋
Sorry you ran into some confusion.

That is not a bug, CommonMark has two ways to generate headers ATX and SETEXT.

This example is a SETEXT heading


This example is an ATX heading

## ![](../../assets/images/logos/cdk.png)

both are valid and expected.

See and for more information.

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.

Thank you, commonmark is full of surprises!