
🚀 Support Github-style Alerts, Callouts, etc. (Beta)

Closed this issue · 9 comments

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Github recently implemented a very neat feature for adding various tagged callouts to GFM. I'd love to use this in my various projects internally relying on Remark! Typora (the application I actually write most of my content in) also recently added support, though I'm not sure which markdown engine they're running


Not exactly sure the implementation here, but the discussion link over on the GFM side illustrates the intended outcome well!


It's not currently implemented, so I suppose the alternative is to just not do this 😉😜

Hi! This was closed. Team: If this was fixed, please add phase/solved. Otherwise, please add one of the no/* labels.

Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Because we treat issues as our backlog, we close issues that are questions since they don’t represent a task to be completed.

See our support docs for how and where to ask questions.

— bb

D'oh! Apologies!

Note for others — this got implemented as a Rehype plugin. See

I also created a Remark plugin to transform GitHub's syntax to the directives syntax: remark-github-admonitions-to-directives

I strongly recommend making rehype plugins, rehype works on HTML, GH does this on HTML!

@wooorm I understand, but my plugin doesn't produce HTML on purpose so existing tools using the directives syntax (like Docusaurus and the admonitions plugin) can be reused. It just converts MD syntax A to MD syntax B.

ahh right, sorry, missed the last part!