
error in | mispgetioc

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When i try to run any search i get the following error [MC503] DEBUG urlib3 POST request failed error=EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1106) url=https://"mispurl"/attributes/restSearch body={'last': '5d', 'returnFormat': 'json', 'withAttachments': False, 'includeEventUuid': True, 'deleted': False, 'page': 1, 'limit': 1000}

"mispurl" is my actual misp url.

I tried to configure my misp url either via ip or url but nothing worked, i also tried to not uncheck certification checkout but i does not work.

How can i provide the link to the misp instance without the https://?

ANy other ideeas?

Thank you

hello, could you try on the splunk server to curl your mispurl?
on splunkbase only apps enforcing https can be validated