Callout: Prepend Blank Step in Version 0.47.0
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Leowolf27 commented
On version 0.47.0
Create a Callout inside a Step.
Add Part(s) to the Callout.
Right click on the Callout and select Prepend Blank Step.
- Both Callout Steps remain as Step null.
- Part(s) cannot be moved to previous Callout Step null.
- Part(s) can only be added to original Callout Step.
- Same Part(s) can be added more than once to the same Callout Step.
If any of these are intended, please disregard.
- Append Blank Step on Callout works as expected.
- Using Append Blank Step (or Add Step) on Callout FIRST enumerates the Callout Steps (itself and previous).
- After the Callout Steps are enumerated Prepend Blank Step works as expected.
- Using Append Blank Step (or Add Step) on Callout AFTER using Prepend Blank Step will only enumerate the newly created Step counting all Steps present.
- Using Prepend Blank Step on Callout AGAIN AFTER a single Append Blank Step has been enumerated will create a Step null and reset the Append Blank Step to 1.
- Callout can only be deleted when having one empty step.
- Tested on Firefox.
Magnificent project, keep it alive!
remig commented
Thanks again for the great bug report! This is fixed now. Fix will be in the next version, coming out in the next few weeks.