Sub Model with <3 Steps in Version 0.48.0
Opened this issue · 3 comments
On version 0.48.0
Import a model into "Web Lic!" that uses a Sub Model with less than 3 steps.
- There are no steps created for the construction of the Sub Model .
- The Sub Model will only appear as a whole object placed on the main model.
- There is no "Sub Model.ldr" title.
- Since there is no title for it, the Sub Model cannot be converted to a Callout (as far as I can tell).
If any of these are intended, please disregard.
- The final form of the Sub Model appears on the correct step of the instructions, where it should be.
Tested on Firefox.
Magnificent project, keep it alive!
I am experiencing the same issue. While on one of my models the sub-model gets its own proper steps, in the other model the sub-models are simply presented as compete parts. Is there a way around that? Maybe I should just check the sources..... actually, I will do just that... open-source!
Well, looking into the source was not necessary after all. I simply ran the current git master branch and the problem vanished. Brilliant tool! IMHO this issue can be closed.
Ok, one more comment, then I am done for now: I had to clear the local storage and start from scratch in order for the sub-model steps to be created properly. So for me it was a caching problem.