
Build as a .dylib?

hiburn8 opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm a security consultant and regularly test pre-build iOS binaries for security issues. This looks like another great tool to add to the kit-bag for testing the networking of apps... although, i cannot for the life of me figure out how to build this as a dynamic library. I know XCode no longer has the options for dynamic frameworks enabled so this would require some command-line voodoo. I've looked at modifying this
But this no longer works anyway so i'm a bit lost. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

It's very interesting, that's a use case I haven't think of.
I don't know if that's possible, especially with swift.

I will definitely check that. During that time if you find any resource that can help me to figure it out, reply to that issue.

Thanks for the response, i've just seen it. Still not having much luck, although i would still be keen to get it working.

@hiburn8 - you may want to probably checkout
there's a lot of hacks to inject their dylib into prebuilt apps.

True. But reveal doesnt have on-device inspection, it relies on a mac app to actually view stuff. And the main thing i like about Dotzu is the networking inspector, which reveal cant do. My understanding is Reveal is just for looking at app view hierarchies, mostly for UI development :(