
Display logs from XCGlogger

Opened this issue · 3 comments

XCGlogger is a popular logging tool.

It should be great to connect Dotzu to XCGlogger. And other log tool by extension.

@Domsware That's an awesome idea 💡
Thank you 😊, I will add this suggestion in my list.

Below's the XCGLogger DotzuLogDestination I use. I also have a fork that comments out this line. A configuration option would be better :)

import XCGLogger
import Dotzu
open class DotzuLogDestination: BaseDestination {

    // MARK: - Properties
    /// The dispatch queue to process the log on
    open var logQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil
    /// Option: whether or not to output the date the log was created (Always false for this destination)
    open override var showDate: Bool {
        get {
            return false
        set {
            // ignored, NSLog adds the date, so we always want showDate to be false in this subclass
    // MARK: - Overridden Methods
    /// Print the log to the Apple System Log facility (using NSLog).
    /// - Parameters:
    ///     - logDetails:   The log details.
    ///     - message:   Formatted/processed message ready for output.
    /// - Returns:  Nothing
    open override func output(logDetails: LogDetails, message: String) {
        let outputClosure = {
            var logDetails = logDetails
            var message = message
            // Apply filters, if any indicate we should drop the message, we abort before doing the actual logging
            if self.shouldExclude(logDetails: &logDetails, message: &message) {
            self.applyFormatters(logDetails: &logDetails, message: &message)
            switch logDetails.level {
            case .error:
                Logger.error(message, file: "", function: "", line: 0) 
            case .warning:
                Logger.warning(message, file: "", function: "", line: 0)
            case .info:
      , file: "", function: "", line: 0)
            case .debug, .verbose:
                Logger.verbose(message, file: "", function: "", line: 0)
            default: return
        if let logQueue = logQueue {
            logQueue.async(execute: outputClosure)
        else {

@DanielAsher Hey, that's very good. I am working on a very modulable way to display logs from any sources. Using protocols. The direction I want to take with dotzu, is like a generic debug tools, than you can improve, and use with your datas.