
Primary LanguageJavaScript


$ git clone https://github.com/remon-georgy/edestus.git
$ cd edestus
$ npm install
$ npm start


  • create-react-app was used as a stub.
  • Responsiveness was implemented as pure FlexBox.
  • Dependencies were kept to the minimum.
  • Inline CSS was preferred to global CSS, in order to avoid conflicts.
  • Almost all components are presentational.
  • Material-ui was used for convinienve, but if I start over I'd probably remove it.
  • All props are passed from root Component. That's probably not sustainable, but it will be simple to refactor it if need be.
  • Entire application is stateless, I didn't need to use setState even once. Hence adding Redux wouldn't be beneficial.


given enought time I would tackle the following points:

  • Add missing styles.
  • Add all overlaying text.
  • Use react-router hash history for navigation
  • Move components to a dedicated directory, while instructing webpack to load modules from there.
  • Same for images.
  • Some sectios are properly responsive, while others could use more work, namely Product and About sections.
  • Move all colors to a shared palette.
  • Add at least one unit test to make sure App is reachable.