
Javascript SDK for dead simple interaction with Polymath's Smart Contacts

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Polymath SDK

A Javascript SDK for interacting with the Polymath network for the browser and Node.js


First, configure your Polymath Client:

// polyClient.ts
import { Polymath, browserUtils } from '@polymathnetwork/sdk';

// create the necessary Web3 providers on its own. You can pass custom ones
// if you want though.
const config = {
  polymathRegistryAddress: '0x1234...',

// You could have multiple configs for each network you support:
const networkConfigs = {
  ['1']: {
    /* */
  ['42']: {
    /* */
const networkId = await browserUtils.getNetworkId();
const config = networkConfigs[networkId];

// You'll want to reuse the smae instance of the Polymath client in the rest of
// your app for the same network.
export const polyClient = new Polymath(config);

Initializing your client

// Pending

Finally, let's start a procedure to reserve a Security Token

// Builds a list of transactions required to reserve a security token
const transactionQueue = await polyClient.reserveSecurityToken({
  name: 'My Token',
  symbol: 'MY-TOKEN',

// We can listen to events for individual transactions as well as the queue
// itself. For now, let's just listen to the whole queue

await transactionQueue.run(); // Will run sequentially every transaction required

// At this point my token has been reserved
const myTokenReservation = await polyClient.getSecurityTokenReservation({
  symbol: 'MY-TOKEN',

To be continued...