
Error in 02_adv_shepherd_seg_steps.ipynb

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm trying to run the example 02_adv_shepherd_seg_steps.ipynb with the same data you provide, but I'm getting this error:

error Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 6
3 gdaltype = rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT
4 bands_list = [1,2,3,8,9,10]
----> 6 rsgislib.imageutils.select_img_bands(input_img, input_img_bands, gdalformat, gdaltype, bands_list)

error: Images do not overlap in the X axis

What can it be?

I encountered the same problem. Then I tried previous version, which didn't show this error.

hello. I have tried running the notebook and it runs OK for me.

What version of RSGISLib (find out by running: rsgis-config --version) are you using?

What platform are you using? Linux, MacOS or Windows?

Sorry, 5.0.14 now works fine for me.