
Error when upserting article through API

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've just upgraded (after a while) and am getting the following error in my client when posting to the /api/articles/upsert endpoint:

"message": "Declaration of Recca0120\\LaravelTracy\\Exceptions\\Handler::report(Throwable $e) must be compatible with Illuminate\\Contracts\\Debug\\ExceptionHandler::report(Exception $e)", 
"exception": "Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException", 
"file": "/var/www/workspace/remp/Beam/vendor/recca0120/laravel-tracy/src/Exceptions/Handler.php", 
"line": 14, 

Hi Jason,

  • Did you run composer install after you updated? Did it run correctly until the end?
  • Could you maybe try to remove your vendor folde rand try again?
  • If it's still not working, can you send me the compose.lock file you're at so we can have a look?


I've temporarily fixed it by editing /Beam/vendor/recca0120/laravel-tracy/src/Exceptions/Handler.php and changing Throwable to Exception. I'd ideally like a permanent fix though.

public function renderForConsole($output, Exception $e)
public function report(Exception $e)
public function render($request, Exception $e)

This was fixed some time ago by updating the recca0129/laravel-tracy dependency and is OK now - the declarations do match. Closing the issue up.