
`` will be detected its suffix as `.ru`, but shall be ``

xiaohuilam opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @xiaohuilam,

This suffix is part of the "private section" of the public suffix list, which is disabled by default in tldts to prevent surprises (having this behavior by default leads to lots of unexpected cases for users of the library).

You can enable it like so to get the results you expect:

const { parse } = require('tldts');

  parse('', {
    allowPrivateDomains: true,

// Result:
// {
//   domain: '',
//   domainWithoutSuffix: 'domain',
//   hostname: '',
//   isIcann: false,
//   isIp: false,
//   isPrivate: true,
//   publicSuffix: '',
//   subdomain: ''
// }

Thank you!