
Tags are not show

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi! I'm trying to use elfeed-org and elfeed. I made my org file and configured elfeed, but when I run elfeed-update the tags are not show, only the unread tags appears.

I have this in my config file:

;;==== elfeed ====
(use-package elfeed
  :ensure t
  :bind ( :map elfeed-search-mode-map
	       ("q" . bjm/elfeed-save-db-and-bury)
	       ("Q" . bjm/elfeed-save-db-and-bury)
	       ("m" . elfeed-toogle-star)
	       ("M" . elfeed-toogle-star)
(use-package elfeed-org
  :ensure t

And this in my, I imported all the links from an ompl file from my smartphone:

* Noticias                                                         :noticias:
** [[][El Universal: México]]                                              :mexico:
** [[][Proceso]]                                                           :mexico:
** [[][Reforma]]                                                           :mexico:
** [[][Portada de EL PAÍS]]
** [[][Colectivo Pericú]]                                                     :bcs:
** [[][BCS Noticias]]                                                         :bcs:
* Tecnología                                                          :tech:
** [[][The Verge]]
** [[][Manjaro News]]                                               :linux:manjaro:
** [[][Xataka Android]]
** [[][Engadget en español - RSS Feed]]
** [[][Xataka Móvil]]
** [[][Genbeta]]
** [[][El Androide Libre]]
** [[][Xataka]]
** [[][XFCE Blog]]                                                           :xfce:
* Metal                                                               :metal:
** [[][MetalSucks]]
** [[][Metal Injection]]
* Videojuegos                                                         :games:
** [[][Team Fortress 2 News]]
** [[][IGN Video Games]]
** [[][Vandal]]
** [[][]]
** [[][]]

There's any way to show my tags? Or maybe it's something bad in my configuration? Thanks!

Isn't the :elfeed: tag missing?


* Feed                                                               :elfeed:
** Noticias                                                       :noticias:
*** [[][El Universal: México]] :mexico:
*** [[][Proceso]]               :mexico:
*** [[][Reforma]]            :mexico:
*** [[][Portada de EL PAÍS]]
*** [[][Colectivo Pericú]]  :bcs:
*** [[][BCS Noticias]]                 :bcs:
** Tecnología                                                         :tech:
*** [[][The Verge]]
*** [[][Manjaro News]]          :linux:manjaro:
*** [[][Xataka Android]]
*** [[][Engadget en español - RSS Feed]]
*** [[][Xataka Móvil]]
*** [[][Genbeta]]
*** [[][El Androide Libre]]
*** [[][Xataka]]
*** [[][XFCE Blog]]                        :xfce:
** Metal                                                             :metal:
*** [[][MetalSucks]]
*** [[][Metal Injection]]
** Videojuegos                                                       :games:
*** [[][Team Fortress 2 News]]
*** [[][IGN Video Games]]
*** [[][Vandal]]
*** [[][]]
*** [[][]]

Also, I have deleted the folder ~/.elfeed. ~/.elfeed is where all the state of elfeed is stored.
I am not sure if there is a cleaner way to update tags, but this works for me.
Notice that the whole state is lost, meaning also read/unread state.

@remyhonig is there another way to update tags afterwards?

Hey @juacq97, @der-daniel is right: :noticias: should be :elfeed:
I'm afraid there is not an easier way to update tags. The only way is to clean out the .elfeed directory and refetch all headlines again and only at that time the tags will be applied.
This is not perfect, but it will work for the latests published headlines of your feeds.

Please let me know if this solves your problem so I can update the ticket. Thanks!

Isn't the :elfeed: tag missing?

That's it, now works. Thanks

@juacq97 Thanks for letting us know! I'll close this ticket.