
Project Review!

Opened this issue · 0 comments

First of all, really nice project! Love me a quiz game!
From a user experience standpoint, your game music is quite loud! Perhaps you could lower it, or even have some control function for it, so the user can lower it or mute it all together. Something for the future!
Your file and folder structure is quite good, although I probably would have put your sound files folder inside your assets folder as well.
When the user loses and restarts the game, your music from the last instance keeps playing. This could've been fixed by having your restart function reload the page, using location.reload().
The purpose of this project was for you to practice OOP and DOM manipulation. You don't use any classes, but your DOM manipulation is done quite well.
Please avoid using var in your code from now on, as it is an old way of declaring variables in JavaScript. let for variables and const for constants are the most up to date way of doing it!
Please try to name your functions and variables in English, as not everyone that is going to be reading your code will understand Portuguese ;)

Overall a nice project with room to grow and improvement! Well done! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!