
Release it as a binary on github

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Not wanting to be to demanding but, any chance you could actualy release it as a binary on github ?

It's not practical for non developers to constantly download the half giga go distro and recompile go binaries.

Releasing a binary, just makes your tool available for someone who just wants to check it out quickly, compare it with others.

Not everyone has or wants the entire go distribution installed or as a simple user is familiar with compiling.Besides that releasing a binary, would make it easier for others to create a package for a Linux distro, based on the binary (ex. Ubuntu, Archlinux AUR).i

Do you know you can automate this for free with github actions ?

Check how other famous go tools do it, for example

Do you also know this tool, ? ?

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the suggestion.

goreleaser seems promising however is does not handle correctly cross compilation with external libs (such as zbar) for now I didn't manage to make it work correctly neither for linux nor windows.

If you do have some experience with goreleaser any help is welcome.


If you do have some experience with goreleaser any help is welcome.

Unfortunately not. I'm not even a programmer or developer. I just noticed the tools other projects (big ones) are using.

Here is another one. He doesnt seem to be using goreleaser, I think. Only github actions. For testing ???

Some more:

For now the problem is not releasing the binaries but cross-compiling the code using CGO. As soon as I find a clean way to do that without using multiple environments, I will release the binaries.