
Not able to use with cocoapods in mac application

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In my pod file for mac application project, I have added pod 'XlsxReaderWriter' , but when I run pod install its giving error like

$ pod install
Analyzing dependencies
[!] The platform of the target CoredataMacSample (OS X 10.11) is not compatible with XlsxReaderWriter (1.0.11), which does not support OS X.

What I could understand is its only specifying iOS( s.platforms = { :ios => "7.0" }) as platform in the podspec. Will XlsxReaderWriter support macOS?

i forked repo and made some change to podspec
added to platforms :osx => "10.12"
removed from frameworks "UIKit"

now it can be installed with cocoapods, add

pod 'XlsxReaderWriter', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

to your Podfile

pod install

you need to create bridge header (if you use swift) and add $(SRCROOT)/Pods to Header search paths in build settings

i guess it's not the best way, but i needed to make lib work for osx asap