
A very basic docker/composer Infrastructure Setup to start a develop machine in seconds.

Primary LanguageNginx


A very basic docker/composer Infrastructure Setup to start a develop machine in seconds.


follow the instructions below:

git clone git@github.com:renepenner/magento-docker-boilerplate.git
cd magento-docker-boilerplate
composer install
docker-compose up -d
# wait some seconds mysql need to startup fist time

echo " magento-boilerplate.local" >> /etc/hosts

Check your Browser on http://magento-boilerplate.local/ ... at the fist time Magento needs to create the database from upgrade scripts. This can take some seconds. In my case (Mac Book Pro late 2011) it takes 23 seconds.


following tools should be installed on the host machine.

  • docker
  • docker-machine
  • docker-compose
  • php
  • composer

mac os x

download and install docker


Use NFS instead of VirtualBoxShares.

  • install github/docker-machine-nfs
  • create docker-machine-nfs follow instructions
  • Open /etc/exports and replace -mapall=$uid:$gid with -maproot=0
  • sudo nfsd restart