
Styling of side panel

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I would like to be able to style the side panel (searches). I could not figure out how to do that. Is it possible? If so, how could I do it?

Currently there's no way you can do that from inside the app.

However, in your home directory, there's a folder named sublimeless_zk.rc. The subfolder themes contains the following 2 files:

  • search_results.json
  • saved_searches.json

So, if you create a theme my-side-panel, its .json file will appear in that themes folder. Just rename the above themes and make copies of your new theme, naming the copies like the 2 originals.

Thank you. It looks like the files

  • search_results.json
  • saved_searches.json

get overwritten any time I restart the app. So changing them does not help. Adding a folder with my new theme including those two files and changing the path in the app settings results in a startup crash.

Oh, I forgot! Sorry! True! I introduced new default themes some time ago to enable saved searches, etc. So I put in a forced upgrade of the themes folder on application start. I'll remove this behavior in the next version.

You would need to overwrite the original files from within themes of the app's folder. This depends on your OS.

On Windows it's simple, it's the unzipped folder that contains the .exe file. The themes folder is right there.

On a Mac right click on and hit "Show folder contents". From there go into Contents/MacOS/themes and overwrite the files there.

Thank you. That was helpful.

Is there also a way to seperately style the open notes panel? It seems I cannot control the background color or line-height. I found out that in the global app preferences there is a section to style the left panel. But so far I only get font face and font size addressed:

"ui.notepanel.font.face": "Menlo",
"ui.notepanel.font.size": 15,

This one does not work:

"ui.notepanel.background": "#ffffff",