
read csv

Closed this issue · 12 comments

How can i read my own csv file?

Thank you. Sir

Did you solve your issue?

Yes. But I can't use t test(type3, paired t test) . There is error in paired ttest.

Can you please send error details?


This is my data frame.


This is error.

Can you tell me, how can I sent you message from github?


You need to keep only Ewt and Twt in the dataframe. You can do that like this way

df = df[['Ewt', 'Twt']]

Then again run the ttest on this updated dataframe.

Let me know if you still have trouble. You can also send me an email at


There is still problem sir.


You have saved the dataframe in the y variable.

Update your code as res.ttest(df=y, res=['Twt', 'Ewt'], test_type=3)

Sorry, sir. Yesterday, I uploaded 2 pic, but one was uploaded. IMG_20201015_174325.jpg
This is another pic. I tried y variable. But, still error.


Follow the docs carefully

You need to import the stat class as from bioinfokit.analys import stat and then run the test again with correct dataframe

Thank you