
Highlighting points of interest

ConstanzeT opened this issue · 1 comments

instead of adding labels to some points based on a tuple, could I also use different colours of shapes?
My code looks currently like this:
visuz.GeneExpression.volcano(df=snd_df, lfc='neg|lfc', pv='p-value',geneid="id",genenames=('TRAF5','C12orf56','ATP8B3','PTPRB',
'LOC101060389'), plotlegend=True, legendpos='upper right', gstyle=2, color=("#E10600FF", "grey","#00239CFF" ),legendanchor=(1.46,1), sign_line=True, show=True)


Currently, you can not change the shape of the genes provided by genenames parameter. I will add this request to my development list. Thank you.