CAST: A Consistency-Aware Spot-Guided Transformer for Versatile and Hierarchical Point Cloud Registration (NeurIPS 2024)

Primary LanguagePython

A Consistency-Aware Spot-Guided Transformer for Versatile and Hierarchical Point Cloud Registration

Official PyTorch implementation of the paper ''A Consistency-Aware Spot-Guided Transformer for Versatile and Hierarchical Point Cloud Registration'' accepted by NeurIPS 2024 as poster.

1. Introduction

We present a novel consistency-aware spot-guided Transformer to achieve compact, consistent coarse matching and efficient, accurate pose estimation for point cloud registration. At the coarse matching stage, our consistency-aware self-attention enhances the feature representations with sparse sampling from the geometric compatibility graph.Additionally, our spot-guided cross-attention leverages local consistency to guide the cross-attention to confident spots without interfering with relevant areas. Based on these semi-dense and consistent coarse correspondences, a lightweight and scalable sparse-to-dense fine matching module empowered by local attention can achieve accurate pose estimation without optimal transport or hypothesis-and-selection pipelines. Our method has showcased state-of-the-art accuracy, robustness, and efficiency for point cloud registration across different 3D sensors and scenarios.

2. Installation

Please use the following command for installation.

# It is recommended to create a new environment
conda create -n cast python==3.7
conda activate cast

# Install packages and other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# If you are using CUDA 11.2 or newer, you can install `torch==1.7.1+cu110` or `torch=1.9.0+cu111`
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

# Install pytorch3d (feel free to download it to other directories)
conda install openblas-devel -c anaconda
wget https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/archive/refs/tags/v0.6.2.zip
mv v0.6.2.zip pytorch3d-0.6.2.zip
unzip pytorch3d-0.6.2.zip
cd pytorch3d-0.6.2
pip install -e . 
cd ..

# Install MinkowskiEngine (feel free to download it to other directories)
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine
cd MinkowskiEngine
python setup.py install --blas_include_dirs=${CONDA_PREFIX}/include --blas=openblas

# Download pre-trained weights from release v1.0.0

Code has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04, GCC 9.4.0, Python 3.7, PyTorch 1.9.0, CUDA 11.2 and PyTorch3D 0.6.2.

3. KITTI odometry

Data preparation

Download the data from the KITTI official website. The data should be organized as follows:

    • velodyne (point clouds)
      • sequences
        • 00
          • velodyne
            • 000000.bin
            • ...
        • ...
    • results (poses)
      • 00.txt
      • ...
    • sequences (sensor calibration and time stamps)
      • 00
        • calib.txt
        • times.txt
      • ...

Please note that we have already generated the information of pairwise point clouds via ./data/gen_kitti_data.py, which is stored in ./data/kitti_list. Feel free to use it directly or re-generate the information by yourselves.


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/kitti.json, you can use the following command for training.

python trainval.py --mode train --config ./config/kitti.json


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/kitti.json, you can use the following command for testing.

python trainval.py --mode test --config ./config/kitti.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-39

Qualitative results

You can use the following command for visualization:

# visualize the keypoints
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset kitti --mode keypts --load_pretrained cast-epoch-39 --split train --id 0
# visualize the keypoint correspondences
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset kitti --mode corr --load_pretrained cast-epoch-39 --split train --id 0
# visualize the aligned point clouds after pose estimation
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset kitti --mode reg --load_pretrained cast-epoch-39 --split train --id 0

4. nuScenes

Data preparation

Download the data from the nuScenes official website. The data should be organized as follows:

  • nuscenes
    • samples
      • LIDAR_TOP
        • n008-2018-05-21-11-06-59-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1526915243047392.pcd.bin
        • ...


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/nuscenes.json, you can use the following command for training.

python trainval.py --mode train --config ./config/nuscenes.json


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/nuscenes.json, you can use the following command for testing.

python trainval.py --mode test --config ./config/nuscenes.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-03-26000

Qualitative results

# visualize the keypoints
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset nuscenes --mode keypts --load_pretrained cast-epoch-03-26000 --split train --id 0
# visualize the keypoint correspondences
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset nuscenes --mode corr --load_pretrained cast-epoch-03-26000 --split train --id 0
# visualize the aligned point clouds after pose estimation
python demo_outdoor.py --dataset nuscenes --mode reg --load_pretrained cast-epoch-03-26000 --split train --id 0

5. 3DMatch and 3DLoMatch

Data preparation

The dataset can be downloaded from PREDATOR (by running the following commands):

wget --no-check-certificate --show-progress https://share.phys.ethz.ch/~gsg/pairwise_reg/3dmatch.zip
unzip 3dmatch.zip

The data should be organized as follows:

  • 3dmatch
    • train
      • 7-scenes-chess
        • fragments
          • cloud_bin_*.ply
          • ...
        • poses
          • cloud_bin_*.txt
          • ...
      • ...
    • test
      • 7-scenes-redkitchen
        • fragments
          • cloud_bin_*.ply
          • ...
        • poses
          • cloud_bin_*.txt
          • ...
      • ...


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/3dmatch.json, you can use the following command for training.

python trainval.py --mode train --config ./config/3dmatch.json


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/3dmatch.json, you can use the following command for testing.

# evaluate the registration recall (CAST+RANSAC)
## for 3DMatch benchmark
python evaluate_RR.py --benchmark 3DMatch --config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05 --ransac
## for 3DLoMatch benchmark
python evaluate_RR.py --benchmark 3DLoMatch -config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05 --ransac

# evaluate the registration recall (CAST)
## for 3DMatch benchmark
python evaluate_RR.py --benchmark 3DMatch --config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05
## for 3DLoMatch benchmark
python evaluate_RR.py --benchmark 3DLoMatch --config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05

# evaluate IR, FMR, PIR, and PMR
## for 3DMatch benchmark
python evaluate_IR_FMR.py --benchmark 3DMatch --config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05
## for 3DLoMatch benchmark
python evaluate_IR_FMR.py --benchmark 3DLoMatch --config ./config/3dmatch.json --load_pretrained cast-epoch-05

Qualitative results

You can use the following command for visualization:

python demo_3dmatch.py --split test --benchmark 3DMatch --id 0

6. Generalization and Adaptation to ETH

Data preparation

This dataset can be downloaded here, which is organized as follows after unzipping it:

  • ETH
    • gazebo_summer
      • gt.log
      • overlapMatrix.csv
      • Hokuyo_0.ply
      • Hokuyo_?.ply...
    • gazebo_winter
    • wood_autmn
    • wood_summer


After modifying the data.root item to your dataset path in ./config/eth.json, you can use the following command for testing.

python evaluate_eth.py

Training (Unsupervised Domain Adaptation)

You can use the following command for tuning the network in an unsupervised manner.

python finetune.py


We sincerely thank the area chair for the appreciation of our work, and we sincerely thank all of the reviewers for their constructive reviews and valuable suggestions. Meanwhile, we would like to thank the authors of D3Feat, PREDATOR, RSKDD, PointDSC, HRegNet, GeoTransformer, and REGTR for making their source codes public.