
UART integration issue.

Nileshhampiholi opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to emulate a port and write some bytes to the port using python.

I have followed the steps exactly for installation.

I am using Ubuntu 20.4

Following is the error message I get. I am also attaching an image for better understanding.
(machine-0) connector Connect sysbus.uart0 term
The following methods are available:

  • Void Connect (IEmulationElement connectee, IConnectable connector)
    connector MethodName param1 param2 ...
    There was an error executing command 'connector Connect sysbus.uart0 term'
    Parameters did not match the signature

Screenshot from 2021-11-21 16-40-46

In this case you are missing the sysbus.uart0. First you need to load the actual machine:

I will add a clarification to the documentation.