
Possible to export long table to multiple pages?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

My problem - the table has more rows that can fit to one page, and R simply cropps all the rows that doesn't fit the first page.

My table("sorted_uni_table") looks like this:


And my output function is textplot() from gplots library:



Why not export the table to a CSV/ TXT/ Excel file?
You can use write.table() and then you don't have any problem with the table dimensions..

That sounds plausible, but in this case the above is only one plot out of many, which are the output of a function, so I prefer to export it to pdf...
Any ideas?

Not sure this is possible with textplot as it creates a plot, that is a single element.
Try using this function, but you will be limited in term of number of columns (~ 13):

table2pdf <- function(x, file, fontsize = 11){ 

  if( fontsize < 4 ) stop("Fontsize must be >= 4")
  tfontsize <- if( fontsize < 8 ) paste0("\\\\", c('small', 'footnotesize', 'scriptsize', 'tiny')[8-fontsize]) else ''
  fontsize <- max(fontsize, 8)
  dir.create(tmpd <- tempfile())
  file <- file.path(normalizePath(dirname(file)), basename(file))
  on.exit( unlink(tmpd, recursive = TRUE) )
  if( is.null(colnames(x)) ) colnames(x) <- seq(ncol(x))
  saveRDS(x, file.path(tmpd, 'x.rds'))
output: pdf_document
fontsize: %spt
```{r, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
x <- readRDS('x.rds')
```", fontsize, tfontsize), rmd <- file.path(tmpd, 'table.Rmd'))
  render(rmd, output_file = file, quiet = TRUE)


x <- matrix(runif(1000), 250, 4)
table2pdf(x, 'test.pdf')

Thanks, mate! :)

I only saw your code after finding an alternative solution:
I decided in advance how many rows to put in each page, and I then splitted my table rows across different plots by a loop that enteres a different value (using recordPlot()) at each iteration.. (-: