Suggestion: Generate a warning for unmatched {color=#......} tags
FaceCrap opened this issue · 6 comments
I've tasked myself to clean up code for existing projects, and sometimes I get files that don't properly close {color=#....} tags. Although Ren'Py projects themselves don't seem to be affected negatively, in vscode it is often causing the code either to be displayed in the defined color from that point or syntax highlighting getting completely disabled.
It would be nice if this would generate a warning, so I can easily jump to the position(s) where this happens.
That's a great idea, this should be added. It should also check for other string tags that are not properly closed.
I think this is supported until since recently. Not closing builtin tags has always (?) been working, and now it's documented.
So, flagging it with a warning would be a mistake. In these kinds of lines, the color (or whatever markup) should survive until the end of the string and not after.
Hmm, that changes things. That makes for a slightly complex regex. I'll see what I can do
Hmm, that changes things. That makes for a slightly complex regex. I'll see what I can do
Making markup tags survive until the end of the string might not be the only thing. there's also the possibility that the same markup tag can occur more than once in the same string.
At least for color markup tags it would mean they not only need to be considered closed at the end of a string, but also when a new color tag is encountered before the end of the same string.
Since these visually alter how code is displayed in the editor and can't be 'stacked' like font-style markup.
Frankly, I could care less how it's solved, whether by terminating markup at the end of a string (which can span multiple lines too it seems) or by actually forcing to use the closing tag.
I just hope it's done soon as the code I have to deal with now often looks like my little pony shat in it
Can you post a screenshot of what you're currently seeing? Additional markup tags should overwrite the previous tags if any overlap. So if another color tag is opened, it should already change the color to a new tag.
the color does indeed change when a new color tag is encountered ;) That is why I compared the result to a my-little-pony toilet :D Because the color keeps continuining until another color tag is encountered, causing the file to have big chunks of differently colored code/dialoge