
error codes please help

thgamingjoker91 opened this issue · 24 comments

Hiya mate first of all just want to say love your work.
however im getting some errors when loading up and peds arent showing hoping you can help with these

Code sounds like you have a oxlib not installed or not updated you need oxlib oxmysql to make work

yeas aj is right,

since the last update, i converted this resource to use ox_lib instead of using my other old UI resources. like menu etc..

my txadmin isnt saying that oxmysql is outdated but will update it anyway just to check

sorry if i sound dumb this is my first server do i need to replace oxmysql with ox_lib or can it run both

Run Both like this
The RUN order of you ensure the scripts is important with dependencies.
ensure oxmysql
ensure ox_lib
ensure es_extended
ensure qtarget THIS IS REPLACED TO oxtarget
ensure ox_target
ensure ox_inventory

now im getting this error code ive done what the readme said to do which was add an api from datadog

is a easy way to you
put a resources scripts in folder with order like this

ensure [Renzuzu] " in your server cfg "

(You run all scripts in this folder) example renzu_multichar renzu_hud renzu_status

Other thing to ox_inventory is create the CFG FILE CONFIG for inventory you need to put on your cfg
exec @ox_inventory/inventory.cfg

this is my server.cfg

delete line 52 qb_target if A SCRIPT ON YOUR SERVER run that resource qbtarget is now ox_target
your cfg is ok you have any problems?
you uploaded sql files in to database?

right im still learning how to run in sql so that might be a problem


no still having problems with using the stuff that ive put in

what am i meant to put in into mysql

You should know that esx has different versions
that are 1.1old 1.2 (essentialmode) and then comes legacy (es_extended),
legacy from 1.8 changed some things to improve the triggers and the speed
so go to your es_extended folder
open the manifest and there
you will see its version of es_extended.
If the server is new and you don't know how to use it,
I recommend using the txadmin templates with built-in legacy.
this will install most of the server components but not the new ones like renzu garages

sorry im not building on esx im building on qbcore

Hola bro me poderias ayudar tengo un solo problema con project cars , no se me quita los items del inventario cuando construyo el carro , installe todos los dependencies y utiliso la ultima version de qbcore .... por favor si me poderias ayudar serias muy amable ! :) @ajmedina

Hola ! utiliso el build 2612 en qbcore , y tengo la version de HeidiSQL
esto lo que tengo en mi consola cuando trato de construir el carro todo sale bien solo que no se me quita los items y no utiliso ox_inventory , y si installe los items manualmente

Haber segun tengo entendido ox_inventory tiene compatibilidad total en esx pero no es asi en qbus
Lo pone en en la pagina de github QB No es compatible 100_%
si usas QBCORE usa el inventario que trae que va perfecto el QB-INVENTORY
Yo aun no e probado a usar oxinventory dentro del frramework qbus. pero lo hare pronto

Renzu dijo en un post que ese error puede ser que no pusieses bien el cfg TIENES QUE ARRANCAR los scripts en un orden concreto.
Yo lo tengo asi y todo va bien.
ensure oxmysql
ensure ox_lib
aqui tendras que poner qbcore
ensure qb_target o ox target
ensure ox_inventory prueba con el inventario actual y sino aqui tienes que poner qb-clothing que es el inventario 100% compatible con qbus

despues vendria

ensure renzu_projectcars

Asi mismo lo tengo arrancado bro, y igual no se me quita los items al momento de construir, pero a parte de eso, todo el script esta perfectamente normal , y mi encanta esta super bueno ese script solo que no quiero que la gente abusen porque le compras 1 ves y ya lo tienes por siempre....-_-' tienes discord ? a ver si podemos communicar por negocios soy dispuesto a pagar por servicios privados si me puedes ayudar en esto te voy acer muy agradecido.

Gracias, Saludos