
Problem with background

pcause opened this issue · 9 comments

I use periodic notes and the topaz theme. I open style settings and I don't see a way to change the background for periodic notes, as you suggest in the settings for the plugin. Can you either clarify or have an option NOT to override theme background setting. Thanks.

reorx commented

Hi, I just released 1.5.0, which allows you to disable the background customizing feature, please update and try if it helps.

I open style settings and I don't see a way to change the background for periodic notes, as you suggest in the settings for the plugin

Do you mean you cannot see this?

no i dont. which section of the style settings is that in. I dont see it at all.

reorx commented

Oh, I see, this is part of another plugin called Style Settings, you need to install it first, and then open its settings to see the color customization.


I have styule settings installed. This is what I see when opening. I am on latest insider build


reorx commented

This is very weird, could you try to disable the style settings plugin and then enable it again?

that did it. I now see the option


still think there should be an option NOT to change the background.

reorx commented

I'm glad it works!

Hi, I just released 1.5.0, which allows you to disable the background customizing feature, please update and try if it helps.

Check this line I mentioned above, the new settings are like this:


downloaded and it worked. before, without this, i had set backgroun d to black. it didn't work. and, ALL of the colors and things seemed modified. but this works for me now. thanks