Introduction to Linux commands and Shell scripting
- Linux curated resources for more complete resources list, including tutorials for beginners
- For more related resources, visit scripting course
- Linux Introduction
- What is Linux?, Why use Linux?, Where is Linux deployed?, Linux Distros, Linux resource lists
- Command Line Introduction
- File System, Command Line Interface, Command Help, Do one thing and do it well
- Files and Directories
- pwd, clear, ls, cd, mkdir, touch, rm, cp, mv, rename, ln, tar and gzip
- Working with Files and Directories
- cat, less, tail, head, Text Editors, grep, find, locate, wc, du, df, touch, file, identify, basename, dirname, chmod
- Text Processing
- sort, uniq, comm, cmp, diff, tr, sed, awk, perl, cut, paste, column, pr
- Shell
- What is Shell?, Popular Shells, Wildcards, Redirection, Process Control, Running jobs in background
- Shell Customization
- Variables, Config files, Emac mode Readline shortcuts
- Shell Scripting
- Need for scripting, Hello script, Command Line Arguments, Variables and Comparisons, Accepting User Input interactively, if then else, for loop, while loop, Debugging, Resource lists
- unix.stackexchange and stackoverflow - for getting answers to pertinent questions as well as sharpening skills by understanding and answering questions
- Devs and Hackers - helpful slack group
- Weekly Coders, Hackers & All Tech related thread - for suggestions and critique
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