
Fixing add-match-room-elo-estimation & add-match-room-elo-self-result

Morabotti opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently add-match-room-elo-estimation is broken. Some of the selectors are completely wrong and causes errors.

  1. Line 202: const matchResultElement = select('div[class*=VersusTeamStatus__Holder]'). Completely wrong selector. Causes error to console. Easily fixed.

  2. Line 185: This observer has also wrong. -||-

  3. Line 156: Selector is and has been wrong for long time. I did quick fix, but this seems like useless feature. This feature could be re-implemented to show only when match is over (Show lost/won elos under W/L) when actual elo estimation disappears. Do we need this pointsElement? Should we clean this out?


I believe this add-match-room-elo-self-result feature is not working at all. Is this feature outdated or/and is this needed?