
Replicate.predictions.create failing for bytedance/sdxl-lightning-4step

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Running: pred = replicate.predictions.create(model="bytedance/sdxl-lightning-4step", input={"prompt": "a jaguar eating a lion"})

is returning detail: The specified version does not exist (or perhaps you don't have permission to use it?). Is there a new version that can't be used by the public? Is it possible to prevent these versions from being called when trying to use public models. Thanks

mattt commented

Hi @hershalb. Sorry you're having problems with this. Some models like meta-llama-3 can be called by name. But most others, including bytedance/sdxl-lightning-4step are called with a version ID.

You can find example code for calling any model on its API tab:

import replicate

input = {
    "prompt": "a jaguar eating a lion"

output =