
cannot open admin console. Error: Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers

kushal-ti opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a kots application installed on a cluster. The admin console pod is running and healthy.

If i run

kubectl kots admin-console --namespace kots-app --port 3000

I get

Error: failed to port forward: failed to query healthz: Get "http://localhost:3000/healthz": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

But if i open a portforward to the kotsadm pod at 3000 and curl http://localhost:3000/healthz, I get the following response


Don't know how to solve this issue, any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi @kushal-ti I am starting to look into this. In the meantime can you generate a support bundle and share it here please? This will give me more information about the current state of the cluster to continue troubleshooting. Thank you

Hi. I know this is not exactly helpful, but this problem was solved when i switched environments. I was initially trying it on a local mac, which failed as described above, then tried the same thing from an online IDE (gitpod) and it worked. I'm not sure what the bug was, but if i had to guess, there was some kind of misconfiguration with the networking settings on my local machine, not something inherent to the replicated app itself

No problem, thanks for the update. We're going to close this out but please report back if you run into this again.