Unfork panics when used on stable/bookstack (chart with a dependency)
kingdonb opened this issue · 0 comments
I saw this wonderful tool demonstrated at the Helm Summit last month and I had an opportunity to try using it today, when I noticed that my Bookstack wiki is down and segfaulting.
I don't know why, but I have a forked chart with some of my own changes in it, and I may have lost track of the original directory, so I was going to try upgrading first, and let Unfork help me sort out the changes that I made (that is what it's for).
I have replaced the mariadb dependency in my own version, possibly even removed it, because I am using a managed database provided by KubeDB, which is much better than the bitnami chart that was provided for example use. That could be what causes this error, I am assuming that this error is more narrow than I think it is, (and probably doesn't really affect every chart with a dependency in charts/
Is there some debugging output that I can provide that will help narrow down the cause of this error and what patch might be needed to accommodate this particular use case?
Here is the error I experienced:
panic: failed to render forked chart: failed to render chart: found in requirements.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: mariadb
goroutine 1 [running]:
github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli.(*Home).handleEvent(0xc0000e2790, 0x0, 0xc000a74008, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/go/src/github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli/home.go:224 +0xeb8
github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli.(*UnforkUI).eventLoop(0xc007513cf0, 0x0, 0x0)
/go/src/github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli/root.go:162 +0x109
github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli.RootCmd.func2(0xc00045d400, 0x31f36b8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
/go/src/github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli/root.go:114 +0x4b5
github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute(0xc00045d400, 0xc00009e190, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00045d400, 0xc00009e190)
/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v0.0.5/command.go:826 +0x465
github.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).ExecuteC(0xc00045d400, 0x2353460, 0x0, 0x0)
/go/pkg/mod/github.com/spf13/cobra@v0.0.5/command.go:914 +0x2fc
/go/src/github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/cli/root.go:138 +0x2c
/go/src/github.com/replicatedhq/unfork/cmd/unfork/main.go:9 +0x20
The steps I took were (first, confirm I can reach the cluster and helm tiller manually, then)
- kubectl unfork
- select the "bookstack" release I have installed at Chart Version 1.1.0
- select the closest version, stable/bookstack (which was detected correctly)
- press enter, acknowledge, yes
Have you seen this one before?