
Support for ClojureScript

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ClojureScript compiles to JS already.

Is it possible to see support for it on

ClojureScript is a compiler written in Clojure which needs the JVM to run and can't run natively in the browser. However we could try to add a Java Applet to the page and add support for Clojure, Scala and ClojureScript.
This technique (if worked) will suffer from:

  1. No mobile support.
  2. Requires users to accept on running the Java Applet.

Despite all this it still be nice to see them in, I haven't had the time to play with that but I will keep this issue open and post the progress here. Also feel free to try with it yourself.

I'm not familiar with Clojurescript or the codebase to perform such a task, I was wondering if it was possible.

I have to say that I'm against using applets because they don't work on some browsers (mobile browsers like you said), and if they do, they usually slow the browser down.