
Unable to connect x11vnc via rfbproxy

vipul4work opened this issue · 1 comments

I am unable to connect to the x11vnc server via this rfbproxy on wsl2-ubuntu as well as ubuntu20 docker,
Using the latest release of this rfbproxy and x11vnc, x11vnc server is running on port 5901 and rfbproxy on port 5900 and i am trying to connect via vnc viewer and getting this loader

Can you please take a look at this or tell me if i am using it wrong

rfbproxy command
RUST_LOG=debug rfbproxy --http-server --rfb-server=

x11vnc command
x11vnc -display :1 -xkb -forever -shared -repeat -capslock -rfbport 5901


This project won't work with VNC viewer because it only supports RFB-over-WebSockets (and not RFB-over-TCP). Which means that the only client that will work is

let me add that to the readme.