
Windows package managers

Foadsf opened this issue ยท 20 comments

I see that Chocolatey and Scoop are listed among the repositories, but there are more Package managers available for windows:

  1. Zero Install
  2. Ketarin
  3. Npackd
  4. win-get
  5. WAPT
  6. OneGet / NuGet
  7. WPKG
  8. CoApp
  9. Silent Install Helper

I was wondering if you could also consider adding them to the database.

P.S. relevant discussion here on Reddit.

This is really interesting, thank you for this list. Will see which ones can be used. I'd prefer not to bring in any windows-only software though.

Per-repository status

โŒ Ketarin - not a repository
โŒ WPKG - not a repository
โŒ CoApp - uses nuget repository
โŒ Silent Install Helper - not a repository
๐Ÿ’€ win-get - packages list, last updated in 2007
๐Ÿ”‡๐Ÿ’ฃ OneGet / NuGet - this one is actually supported, but disabled. It's the same format as chocolatey, but unfortunately it's too big to download within the current update cycle and has the same versioning problems as chocolatey, where there's fixed A.B.C.D versioning schema and everything has to be shoved into it, resulting in a lot of incorrect versions
โœ”๏ธ Npackd -live (though support is partial due to widely used incompatible naming (e.g. org.vim.Vim instead of vim) and versioning (mangled prerelease versions) schemes
๐Ÿ” Zero Install - this one is interesting - it provides a way for applications to announce their releases in a machine readable format. Catalog is quite small though, and it requires downloading a log of individual pages. There's also some API which allows sync/app-list (whatever that is, but looks relevant) which needs registration.
๐Ÿ” WAPT - has some usable data at ( specifically, which is a zip archive containing package data in format similar to Debian. About 300 packages. Seem to be kept up to date, but data is of low quality due to inconsistent package naming and using French in descriptions.
โœ”๏ธ just-install live (though contains a large fraction of non-comparable latest versions)

Does vcpkg qualify as a repository?

I find it impolite to suggest anything without even looking at the site.

@AMDmi3 I indeed took a look at their website and saw some methods for adding new packages/formulas (here). I'm sorry if it bothered you in anyway.

I've meant Repology, not their site. You would have seen then that it's already supported.

My bad. Maybe it would be a good idea to add a filter option to the list of repositories, to show repositories for a specific OS/disro. Do you mind if I open a new issue for that?

Makes sense. Yes, please.

Following this issue, There is also just-install. I looked at the Reoplogy's list of repositories and it was not there. I'm not sure it is a repository though. According to the developer (here) it is ment as an alternative to Chocolatey, Npackd and Ninite.

just-install links are broken (either bad certificate or 404).

@AMDmi3 just-install's new homepage is

just-install support is live (FYI @geek1011 @lvillani)
npackd support is live (though it's only partial, because repository widely uses incompatible package names and versions) (FYI @tim-lebedkov)

For CC'd people, Repology is a service that compares package versions in 200+ repositories, estimates repository freshness, reports new releases and provides other useful information for package maintainers, and it now supports just-install and npackd.

I guess that's all for this issue. Remaining repos do not look suitable for Repology.

  • Zero install - more of a decentralized ecosystem of per-project feeds than a single repository
  • WAPT - small, proprietary solution with incompatible data

Hi @AMDmi3 ,

I was wondering if Win-builds constitute a repository or not. From their main page:

Win-builds is a large distribution of binary packages for Windows.

Also, I think the MinGW and MinGW-w64 repositories (the mingw-get package manager) might be different/independent from MSYS2-mingw one. Not sure though.

I was wondering if Win-builds constitute a repository or not

It does, but it does not provide metadata in usable format, is too small to be useful and had no updates since 2015.

@AMDmi3 how about the mingw-get repo? I think it is an independant repo from MSYS2 and Cygwin.

No idea what this is. You could point me to the package lists.

@AMDmi3 please take a look at this page, especially the files mingw32-package-list.xml, mingw32-contrib-package-list.xml, and msys-package-list.xml. More details might be discussed here. The projects,, MSYS2, and Cygwin are pretty much intertwined and there are a lot of overlaps, but they are more or less independent projects and have different repositories and different packages AFIK.

I don't have intention to investigate this, analysis and/or patches are welcome. From a quick glance, mentioned sourceforge files are 2 and 4 years old respectively, so probably not worth spending time on.

Following this discussion AppGet and winget worth investigating. The later is already available in Repology.