
Unable to Add class, test and nested step

saurabhsrivastava2009 opened this issue · 14 comments

Hi Team,
I am following the below structure to add data in ReportPortal, but after the all the data is getting added to the suite.

public static LaunchCreatedResponse _launchUuid;
    public static TestItemCreatedResponse _testItemSuiteUuid;
    public static TestItemCreatedResponse _testItemClassUuid;
    public static TestItemCreatedResponse _testItemTestUuid;
    public static TestItemCreatedResponse _testItemNestedUuid;

//Step 1 - Start Launch - Working
public async Task<LaunchCreatedResponse> StartLaunch()
        Console.WriteLine("Starting the Launch");
        if (!_currentProduct.Equals(_productPlatformName))
            _currentProduct = _productPlatformName;
            var launchResponse = await _service.Launch.StartAsync(new StartLaunchRequest
                Name = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RP_LAUNCH_NAME"),
                Description = "Master Job Link:" + _masterJobLink + "\n" + "Product Job Link:" + _productJobLink,
                Attributes = new List<ItemAttribute>()
                    new ItemAttribute { Key = "environment", Value = _environment },
                    new ItemAttribute { Key = "jobName", Value = _jobName }
                Mode = LaunchMode.Default,
            _launchUuid = launchResponse;

        return _launchUuid;

//Step 2- Add Suite - Working
    public async Task<TestItemCreatedResponse> AddSuite(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse)
            var testItemSuite = await _service.TestItem.StartAsync(new StartTestItemRequest
                    LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid,
                    Name = _productPlatformName,
                    Type = TestItemType.Suite,
                    Description = "This is the Suite for " + _productPlatformName
            _testItemTestUuid = testItemSuite;

        return _testItemTestUuid;

//Step 3 - Add items insise suite
    public async Task<TestItemCreatedResponse> AddClass(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse,
        TestItemCreatedResponse testItemCreatedResponseSuite)
        string className = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.ClassName;
        _currentClassName = className;

        if (!_currentClassName.Equals(_previousClassName))
            var testItemClass = await _service.TestItem.StartAsync(new StartTestItemRequest
                    LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid,
                    UniqueId = testItemCreatedResponseSuite.Uuid,
                    Name = className,
                    Type = TestItemType.Test,
                    Description = "CLASS_DESCRIPTION"
            _previousClassName = className;
            _testItemClassUuid = testItemClass;

        return _testItemClassUuid;

Calling methods

Task<LaunchCreatedResponse> launchResponse = ReportPortalHelper.StartLaunch();
Task<TestItemCreatedResponse> suiteResponse = ReportPortalHelper.AddSuite(launchResponse.Result);
Task<TestItemCreatedResponse> classResponse = ReportPortalHelper.AddClass(launchResponse.Result, suiteResponse.Result);

Here step 1 and 2 are working as expected, but the step 3 is adding the item inside the launch instead of suite. Is there some key that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @nvborisenko
Thanks, that was indeed the solution and it worked.
But now the finish launch is not working. All the other closing/finishing stage is working, whereas launch finish is not working.
I'm using the following code to finish the launch and suite

public static async Task CloseSuiteAndLaunch(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse,
        TestItemCreatedResponse testItemCreatedResponseSuite)
        await _service.TestItem.FinishAsync(testItemCreatedResponseSuite.Uuid, new FinishTestItemRequest
            LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid,

        await _service.TestItem.FinishAsync(launchCreatedResponse.Uuid, new FinishTestItemRequest());

As per the docs, I guess this is the way to go, but still can you let me know if I'm missing something here as well?

Thanks in advance :)

Any errors?

You probably forgot to finish a test before finishing suite.

I'm finishing all the test after adding them in the same method.
something like this

public static async Task<TestItemCreatedResponse> AddTest(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse,
        TestItemCreatedResponse testItemCreatedResponseClass, string description, Status status)
        string testName =
            TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name.Contains("(") || TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name.Contains(" ")
                ? TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName
                : TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name;

        TestCaseCollection.Add(description, testName);
        var testItemTest = await _service.TestItem.StartAsync(testItemCreatedResponseClass.Uuid,
            new StartTestItemRequest
                LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid,
                Name = testName,
                Type = TestItemType.Step,
                Description = description
        _testItemTestUuid = testItemTest;

        //Add nested item
        var testItemNested = await _service.TestItem.StartAsync(testItemTest.Uuid,
            new StartTestItemRequest
                LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid,
                Name = testName,
                Type = TestItemType.Step,
                HasStats = false,
                Description = description
        _testItemNestedUuid = testItemNested;

        //close nested item and test item
        CloseNestedAndTestStep(launchCreatedResponse, testItemNested, testItemTest, status);
        return _testItemNestedUuid;

private static async Task CloseNestedAndTestStep(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse,
        TestItemCreatedResponse testItemCreatedResponseNested, TestItemCreatedResponse testItemCreatedResponseTest,
        Status status)
        await _service.TestItem.FinishAsync(testItemCreatedResponseNested.Uuid, new FinishTestItemRequest
            Status = status,
            LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid

        await _service.TestItem.FinishAsync(testItemCreatedResponseTest.Uuid, new FinishTestItemRequest
            Status = status,
            LaunchUuid = launchCreatedResponse.Uuid

Any errors? What is a problem?

It doesn't throw any error as I can see in logs, it closes the suite but not the launch. I have to force close it via UI

You don't await CloseNestedAndTestStep method invocation.

sorry didn't get you. Can you explain a bit more

//close nested item and test item
await CloseNestedAndTestStep(launchCreatedResponse, testItemNested, testItemTest, status);

You missed await keyword.

okay, let me try with that

@nvborisenko it did not work. :(

Then create simple project with code to reproduce your issue.

@nvborisenko I debugged the code and it seems like there is a bug in code
For finishing a launch the endpoint should be v1/{{launchUuid}}/finish
whereas here the URI is resolved as an item as can be seen in below screenshot v1/{{projectName}}/item/{{launchUuid}}

The code I'm using for finishing a launch is

public static async Task FinishLaunch(LaunchCreatedResponse launchCreatedResponse)
        await _service.TestItem.FinishAsync(launchCreatedResponse.Uuid, new FinishTestItemRequest());

If you want to finish launch, then use _service.Launch.FinishAsync, not TestItem.FinishAsync().

More complex examples are located here:

Feel free to open new issue if some example doesn't work. Thanks.