
TestItem Attribute value is coming as empty

saurabhsrivastava2009 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi Team,

I have added a attribute in my testItem but while fetching the current value for that attribute, it is coming as empty, although I can see the value in the UI.

Here is the code I'm using to get the attribute value

private static async Task<Dictionary<string, Status>> GetHistory(string testItemCreatedResponseTest,
        String currentTest)
        int position = 1;
        Dictionary<string, Status> testStatusCollection = new Dictionary<string, Status>();
        var response = await _service.TestItem.GetAsync(testItemCreatedResponseTest);
        var history = await _service.TestItem.GetHistoryAsync(response.Id, 5);
        var testItemHistoryElements = history.Items.First().Resources;
        foreach (var testItemHistoryElement in testItemHistoryElements)
            var status = testItemHistoryElement.Status;
            string key = currentTest + "#" + position;
            testStatusCollection.Add(key, status);

            foreach (var testItemResponse in testItemHistoryElement.Resources)
                foreach (var testItemAttribute in testItemResponse.Attributes)
                    TestSetUp.Logger.Log("testItem Attributes:"+testItemAttribute.Key+":"+testItemAttribute.Value);  **//This is also not getting printed, seems like a issue with loop**
                    if (string.Equals(testItemAttribute.Key.ToString(), "stabilityScore", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        _lastStability = testItemAttribute.Value;  **//This is the value I'm trying to get**
        foreach (var keyValuePair in testStatusCollection)
            TestSetUp.Logger.Log("History for the test:(" + keyValuePair.Key + "," + keyValuePair.Value + ")");

        return testStatusCollection;
private static async Task<double> GetStabilityScore(Dictionary<string, Status> testStatusCollection, string testItemCreatedResponseTest)
        //Test specific variables
        int totalRunCount = testStatusCollection.Count;
        int failedCount = testStatusCollection.Values.Count(status => status == Status.Failed);
        int passCount = testStatusCollection.Values.Count(status => status == Status.Passed);

        //var lastStabilityScore = await GetLastStabilityScore(testItemCreatedResponseTest);
        TestSetUp.Logger.Log("Last Stability =" + _lastStability);

 return _actualStability;

2023-10-25 18:47:25.436 | 10/25/2023 6:17 AM client_version="" flow_id="150fb7577c044eebbba85f777a4b426a" method="GetStabilityScore" - Last Stability =

Is this the correct way to get the attribute value?

@nvborisenko is this change pushed to the artifactory? I may need to use the updated nuget version? and How do we get the testItem attribute value now?

@nvborisenko The version I'm using is 4.6.0, why pushed to a old version?
<PackageReference Include="ReportPortal.NUnit" Version="4.6.0" />