Missing Aux files for S3 compliteness tests
Closed this issue · 17 comments
Dear Catherine,
Could you please check for this sensing time if we have on DataHub the products related to the two missing files and see which auxiliaries were used to generate those files?
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance for your help
OK, I will do that next week because I am following a Python course this week.
Considered gap: S3__SR_2_RMO_AX_20160324T180000_20160324T180000_20160414T114751___________________CNE_O_NT_001.SEN3.zip - S3__SR_2_RMO_AX_20160330T180000_20160330T180000_20160420T114742___________________CNE_O_NT_001.SEN3.zip : 2016-03-25T00:00 - 2016-03-30T12:00 not covered
Downloaded product on SciHub : S3A_SR_2_LAN____20160327T004524_20160327T013128_20180518T223435_2764_002_202______LR1_R_NT_003.SEN3
This product used :
-<sentinel-safe:resource role="SRAL Ocean barotropic correction (MOG2D data)" name="S3__SR_2_RMO_AX_20160327T000000_20160327T000000_20160416T114704___________________CNE_O_ST_001.SEN3">
-<sentinel-safe:resource role="SRAL Ocean barotropic correction (MOG2D data)" name="S3__SR_2_RMO_AX_20160327T060000_20160327T060000_20160416T234858___________________CNE_O_ST_001.SEN3">
Considered gap:
S3A_SR___POEPAX_20170113T215942_20170114T235942_20170208T071436___________________POD_O_NT_001.SEN3.zip - S3A_SR___POEPAX_20170115T215942_20170116T235942_20170210T071647___________________POD_O_NT_001.SEN3.zip : 2017-01-14T23:59:42 - 2017-01-15T21:59:42 not covered
Downloaded product on SciHub :
No POEPAX is used.
Shall we mentioned this in the UM?
Last time, we decided to provide the list of missing ADF as a separate page.
But I can add it as annex to the User Manual.
Note that the RMO files exist somewhere as they have been used in production, but where ???
I asked for redelivery because S3 T.O. told me that now a lot of these files are transferred from PDGS to the LTA.
@BogdanaTsonevska S2 ? this ticket is about S3 right ?
Sorry, yes S3
For the following missing ADF:
I am trying to download a S3B OLCI L1 product of 17 june 2018.
My request is pending on SciHub...
I managed to download 3 S3B OLCI L1 products of 17 june 2018 from DHUS.
Each product zip file contains only one nc file and this nc file seems corrupted.
Thank you, could you please explain that these products could not be re-processed due to anomaly.
I will try to speak to Jordi about this.
Do you have any advice on how to deal with the problem?
I cannot explain the problem.
Please inform S3 PDGS that all S3B OLCI L1 products of 17 june 2018 seem corrupted.
Maybe these data are not really available because they come from commissioning phase ?
yes, I will. The commissioning should be the reason. we could put this as an explanation.
Also, we shoud not forget about the necessary list of S3A_OL_1_CAL_AX (see mail exchange on 14 december 2020).
About the S3B_OL_1_CAL_AX list, I am not so sure anymore because the list I used is different from the one used in the OLCI reprocessing report. Therefore, if possible, ESA should provide both lists (S3A and S3B).
Please download from the LTA AIP the R03.
I have sent an email to S3 T.O. On the documentation baseline on 27/05. today I will send him a reminder.
Just a reminder that we need the list of S3A and S3B OL_1_CAL necessary for reprocessing campaign.
The lists have never been provided.