
Script to Export Freesurfer-based Parcellation/Segmentation Stats and Provenance as JSON-LD and NIDM

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Making Freesurfer FAIR

Script to Export Freesurfer-based Parcellation/Segmentation Stats and Provenance as JSON-LD and NIDM

Project Description

This project ultimately aims to facilitate both query and analysis of parcellation/segmentation based regional statistics across popular softwares such as Freesurfer, FSL, and ANTS. Currently each software produces its own output format and brain region labels are specific to the atlas used in generating the regional statistics. This makes life difficult when trying to search for "nucleus accumbens" volume, for example, across the different software products. Further, knowing which version of the software tool used and what atlas and version of the atlas in a structured representation facilitating query is lacking. To this end we propose augmenting the various segmentation tools with scripts that will: (1) map atlas-specific anatomical nomeclature to anatomical concepts hosted in terminology resources (e.g. InterLex); (2) capture better structured provenance about the input image(s) and the atlases used for the segmentation; (3) export the segmentation results and the provenance as either JSON-LD, NIDM which can then link the derived data to broader records of the original project metadata, or as an additional component of a BIDS derivative.

We aim to tackle this problem in steps. For this hackathon project we'll be focusing on conversion from Freesurfer's mri_segstats program output along with some additional parsing/conversion of Freesurfer log files. The conversion is driven by a function which queries InterLex and develops a JSON structure which defines the atlas terminology and the measures being output.

Skills required to participate

Python and structural neuroimaging experience. If one has experience with rdflib or PROV that would also be helpful.


  • David Keator
  • Adina Wagner
  • Jeffrey Grethe
  • Satra Ghosh
  • David Kennedy
  • JB Poline


This project will need expertise in programming, structural neuroimaging, and anatomy. To make this project sucessful we need individuals who have skills in any of these domains to help with: (1) understand Freesurfer's segmentation results format and log files; (2) programming up a script in Python; (3) understand anatomy well enough to select the proper anatomical concept that maps to a specific atlas designation of a region and can define new anatomy terms where needed, linking them to broader concepts to facilitate segmentation results queries across softwares.

Preparation material


$ conda create -n segstats_jsonld python=3
$ source activate segstats_jsonld
$ git clone https://github.com/ReproNim/segstats_jsonld.git
$ cd segstats_jsonld
$ pip install -e .


usage: segstats2nidm [-h] (-s SUBJECT_DIR | -f SEGFILE | -csv CSVFILE) [-subjid SUBJID] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-j] [-add_de] [-n NIDM_FILE]
                     [-forcenidm] [-json_map JSON_MAP]

This program will load in a aseg.stats file from Freesurfer, augment the Freesurfer anatomical region designations with common data element
anatomical designations, and save the statistics + region designations out as NIDM serializations (i.e. TURTLE, JSON-LD RDF))

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SUBJECT_DIR, --subject_dir SUBJECT_DIR
                        Path to Freesurfer subject directory
  -f SEGFILE, --seg_file SEGFILE
                        Path or URL to a specific Freesurferstats file. Note, currently supported is aseg.stats, lh/rh.aparc.stats
  -csv CSVFILE, --csv_file CSVFILE
                        Path to CSV file which includes a header row with 1 column containing subject IDs and the other columns are
                        variablesindicating the Freesurfer-derived region measure (e.g. volume, surface area, etc. If you use this mode of
                        running this software you will be asked to match your region variables to standard Freesurfer region / measure labels
                        presented to you (so this program will end up being interactive. In future WIP we will add the ability to exporta json
                        sidecar file with those mappings for automated runs of future CSV files with the same set of variables.
  -subjid SUBJID, --subjid SUBJID
                        If a path to a URL or a stats fileis supplied via the -f/--seg_file parameters then -subjid parameter must be set
                        withthe subject identifier to be used in the NIDM files
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output filename with full path
  -j, --jsonld          If flag set then NIDM file will be written as JSONLD instead of TURTLE
  -add_de, --add_de     If flag set then data element data dictionary will be added to nidm file else it will written to aseparate file as
                        fsl_cde.ttl in the output directory (or same directory as nidm file if -n paramemteris used.
  -n NIDM_FILE, --nidm NIDM_FILE
                        Optional NIDM file to add segmentation data to.
  -forcenidm, --forcenidm
                        If adding to NIDM file this parameter forces the data to be added even if the participantdoesnt currently exist in the
                        NIDM file.
  -json_map JSON_MAP, --json_map JSON_MAP
                        If storing freesurfer segmentation data stored in a CSV file and you've previouslystored the variable to Freesurfer CDE
                        mappings, this can be reused. Otherwisethis argument is ignored

Updating the FreeSurfer Common Data Elements

This section describes how one can update the common data elements from FreeSurfer as they update the names they are using for their elements.

from fsutils import collate_fs_items, create_fs_mapper
collate_fs_items('/path/to/statsdir', error_on_new_key=False)

This will add new structures to freesurfermap.json file, which you can edit to improve connections to ontologies (e.g., by editing the isAbout).
