
docs don't say how to post a payload

mgenev opened this issue · 12 comments

No offense, but the docs are awful. How do I post a payload? It just gives url as an example...

Hi @mgenev, I see your point. Theoretically, though, all a user has to do is to go to the Request README because Request-Promise exposes the same API. In any case since you had a bad experience with the docs certainly others do, too.

Since you have fresh eyes: In which section of the README would you expect a link to the Request README? In particular I would link the request options section. If that wouldn't be good enough what would you expect from the docs?

+1 for info on how to send data in docs. This is simply a one additional line, right?

Hey guys, I updated the post example in the README. However, since @mgenev found the docs being awful I would appreciate your feedback on how to improve them.

Haha, I wouldn't say they are awful :)


Here's a good example

I knew how to post right away :D

One thing I found missing was how to set header variables. I imagine this is a very common requirement and I even suspect there's a very easy way to do it but it was not revealed in the docs. :)

@ksnyde Thanks for the tip. I will mention that in the next version of the docs. BTW, all docs of Request are valid for Request-Promise, too. So setting headers is the same.

yeah in the end I did assume that was the case but busy people are stupid people so being explicit pays off more times than not :)

I just released 1.0.0 and with that overhauled the README. Thanks for the feedback all you guys! Let me know if can improve something further.

perfect thanks a lot!