
continuation-local-storage errors

rstacruz opened this issue · 4 comments

Using request-promise, I get these npm warnings:

npm ERR! peer invalid: continuation-local-storage@~3, required by cls-bluebird@1.0.1

This warning is preventing me from doing npm shrinkwrap. What is continuation-local-storage and why is it necessary for request-promise to work? and if it's a peerDependency of one of request-promise's dependencies, why isn't it a dependency here?

Hi @rstacruz see pull request #75 . I will take care of that in a few days.

Thanks @rstacruz for reminding me of that issue. It was known far too long and about time to fix it! I just released request-promise@2.0.0 which fixes that.

Hi @rstacruz , I just released request-promise@4.0.0 which dropped the continuation-local-storage and cls-bluebird altogether. Maybe you can remove any workarounds now which you still have in place.
